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Safe spaces SPOA-02.png

Revised Anti-Sexual Harassment (ASH) Code

To aid OASH in consulting different stakeholders of the UP Community with regards the ASH Code, the USC will endorse a policy research which includes the localization of the Safe Spaces Act.

SafeUP Campaign

SafeHome Initiative- The USC will establish a physical sanctuary within the university, like a dorm room, that can house victim-survivors whose households are not safe for their well-being.


Institutionalise Psychological First Aid /Legal First Aid - The USC will launch an initiative to institutionalize psychological first aid and legal first aid in the university to respond to emergency issues. A task force composed of student responders will be pooled and they will be trained by legal experts. These trainings will also be offered to student council officers and organizational leaders. As part of the legal first aid, a group of volunteer lawyers will be gathered to support student responders. 

End FRV Now

Aside from pursuing the current campaigns and legal processes within the university, the USC will lead a national Anti-Fraternity Related violence campaign by bringing the campaign outside UP and partnering with other organizations, student councils and institutions outside the university. Information dissemination drives on student rights and legal remedies will be conducted to raise awareness on the issue. The USC through the Committee on Legal Issues and Concerns will  review the Anti-Hazing law and provide a more stringent approach on extracting accountability to violators of this law.

Defend Academic Freedom

The USC will strengthen its alliances and lead the campaigns in institutionalizing the UP-DND accord. Information-dissemination campaigns and mobilizations will be conducted to strengthen public support. Lobbying the bill will be of utmost priority.

Quick Response Teams

The USC will be at the forefront of protecting every member of the UP community from baseless threats, accusations and redtagging. A quick response team will be led, in partnership with other alliances, student organizations and legal experts, to address emergency situations. A hotline will be implemented to streamline reports and provide appropriate action.

SOGIE Equality Bill

The USC will strengthen its alliances with national coalitions in lobbying and championing the SOGIE Equality Bill. The USC will support ongoing campaigns to institutionalize anti discrimination policies within the university.

Student’s Initiative Mechanism

The USC will launch a platform for students to directly participate in the decision making process of the USC.


We recognize that our maninindas and UP personnel are part of our UP Community. The USC shall extend its arm to ensure that our co-stakeholders in the university are regularly consulted may it be on their spaces and job-related concerns. Such concerns shall then be coordinated to the UP Administration.

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